About The 8th International Nursing Student Forum (INSF) 2017
International Nursing Student Forum (INSF) is a Forum for Nursing Students as a media for students to deliver the latest innovations related to science in accordance with the progress of time and the developments in the Asian countries of origin of students involved, such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Laos, Myanmar , and Japan.
On the 7th International Nursing Student Forum (INSF) was held in Guangzhuo China in May 2016 ago, STIKes Muhammadiyah which is one of the institutions of education providers by the vision of producing graduates who are professionals and Islamic as well as trying to improve their quality, both nationally and internationally in South Sumatera has been appointed and given the mandate and willing to be a host in the implementation of the 8th International Nursing Student Forum (INSF).
Nursing Student Activity on The 8th International Forum (INSF) which is planned to be held on 03-05 May 2017 in Palembang, South Sumatra is a moment in bringing together a wide range of experience and innovation that highlights student activities. Education is the work done in a conscious and deliberate in creating an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have a good power religious spiritual, control, personality, character and skills needed him and beneficial to society homeland
The meeting that held consisting of scientific activities such as symposium, oral and poster presentations. Agenda consisting of the appearance of each of these students is one way in improving soft skills, communication, and social activity to highlight the issue trend that happening in the world of nursing. To share experience in this activity, the committee will invite experts in nursing so that students are able to understand the depth of information about the knowledge, experience and the latest innovations.
The nursing experts who will fill the symposium sessions and providing information about the world of nursing in the sphere of education, clinical, research, maintenance system, and access as well as global health and nursing regulation.As expected with the nursing curriculum in Indonesia, that the competencies expected from graduate nursing students is the student is able to become a Care Provider (Giver of nursing care), Communicator (interactions and transactions with clients, families, and medical teams), Educator and health promotor (Education and health promotion for clients, families and communities) as well as the Manager and leader (Management practices / rooms in the hospitals and public order) and also as a Researcher (Researcher).
Nursing students conference also provide a creative arena to create an innovation that is embodied in the form of posters. This activity is also a meeting place as well as the health of nursing students and nursing experts both nationally and internationally
This conference will provide the deployment of a science which has direct innovation to realize how a nurse as a team to change for the better. The theme of the Conference is constituted by the slogan of the beginning of INSF and refers to developments such as the International Council Of Nurses (ICN), which will also host the International Council Of Nurses congress on May 27 until June 1, 2017 next year with their slogan “Nurses at the forefront transforming Care “, which for the slogan INSF itself is” Nurses A Force Change Care “, in addition to the INC which will be held in the country of Barcelona, Spain has three pillars, namely: Professional Practice, Regulation, and socio-economic welfare, and through trustful UNESCO through the concept of the four pillars of education, namely learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together (Dellors, 1998), also refer to the theme of the birthday of nurses in 2017 is “Nursing A Voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals “.
Based on the consideration of the above themes to be raised in this conference is “Nursing Innovation To Lead Achieving The Sustainable Development Goals” . The event of this conference will provide not only an opportunity to learn, but also gave the experience of socializing between countries in Asia and conferencing in improving the service by making a change for the better.